Title: Coastal Z Club Monthly Meeting
Location: B&D Burgers Southside
Link out: Click here
Description: Hi Everyone!
We had a great meeting at Cheddars Last night, the parking lot was packed, but the food was good and the company was better! Full details can be found in the second post here:http://coastalz.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=83
Our next Monthly meeting will be held at B&D Burgers Southside on Abercorn (right in front of Home Depot) at 6:30pm on Tuesday April 17th. We will have a reserved parking area, and special guest(s)! B & D Burgers Southside is located at 11108 Abercorn Street Savannah GA 31416 Tel. (912) 927-8700 http://www.bdburgers.net/ Detail your car and come early for Pictures!
Our Next Cruize will be to Tybee on 3/30/12 at 6pm, meeting ar Vaden Nissan!
Vaden will have a portion of their parking lot available to us for pictures and socializing, and promptly at 6:30 we will head to the Sonic on Wilmington Island, and then on to the Fort on Tybee. More information will be made available on the Club blog and facebook page!
I hope to see everyone there-we will be sending in photos from the cruize to Nissan Sport Magazine!
Start Time: 18:30
Date: 2012-04-17